Discover Primary Science and Maths

The Discover Primary Science and Maths programme is an initiative to encourage the promotion of science and maths in Irish Primary schools. It has proved to be an invaluable resource for teachers and students alike by helping large numbers of young children to understand that science and maths isn’t just about people in white coats carrying out difficult experiments. It’s about fun, discovery and adventure, and it is something which is fundamentally relevant to our everyday lives.

We, in Tubber N.S., have taken part in this programme for the past number of years and are one of only 16 schools in the country which have received nine DPSM Awards of Science & Maths Excellence to-date. Last year we went on a trip to Aillwee Caves, near Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare. Click here to read about our day!

We are working away on achieving our 10th award this year! We’ll keep you posted!!